Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!

By (author): "Lippincott Williams & Wilkins"
Genres:Nursing books  
Publish Date: July 1990
Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
AsinMedical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Original titleMedical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! (CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh)
Written in the award-winning Incredibly Easy style, with tips and encouragement from cartoon characters throughout, this handy reference contains the latest information on 300 medical-surgical disorders, treatments, and nursing interventions. The text is organized by body system for quick reference and highlights essential information with abundant icons, tables, illustrations, and flowcharts. Each chapter includes a summary, an anatomy and physiology review, assessment, diagnostic tests, treatments, and nursing diagnoses. Disorders are presented alphabetically using an easy-to-understand, light-hearted approach. A quick quiz at the end of each chapter helps to reinforce learning.